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Community News

In recognition of World Humanitarian Day on 19 August, Ghost Mountain have once again been out in the community with one of South Africa’s best-loved humanitarians, Kingsley Holgate, delivering aid and support to the locals around Mkuze and the Lebombo Mountains.

In 2021, 235 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. That’s  1 in 33 people worldwide.

The Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing lockdowns have cost thousands of tourism jobs, particularly affecting people living in the remote, largely forgotten, deep rural areas surrounding game reserves. So, it’s been a worthwhile challenge these past few months to use our logistics experience, along with teams of wonderful volunteers, to make a difference by supplying much-needed nutritional support to mums and children at 50 creches / ECD centres situated on the boundaries of wildlife areas in northern KZN. It’s also about spreading goodwill and showing that the conservation sector cares for their community neighbours, even during these difficult financial times.

Between Ghost Mountain Inn, the Kingsley Holgate Foundation, the Do More Foundation and other partners, over 1.5million-meals have been distributed in the past 18 months. That equates to 150 tonnes of nutritional porridge packs delivered directly to the neediest families in outlying communities.
